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74. Sleep as a Sphere of Unconscious Mental Activity L. P. Latash

Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow


Three methodological approaches to the study of unconscious mental activity (UMA) in sleep are formulated: 1) analysis of the change of the content of different kinds of conscious mental activity (CMA) in REM sleep or soon after awakening in relation to the preceding states; 2) study of behavioural acts occurring in sleep in the absence of CMA; 3) "mechanismic" analysis of mental activity according to physiological manifestations of the activity of brain mechanisms (systems or parts of them) in wakefulness. The findings of an UMA study of sleep with the use of the above methods are presented. Special attention is paid to the data on the functional relationship between 96 the REM sleep and the preceding state (presence or absence of delta sleep) in narcoleptic attacks and night sleep of healthy persons roused for questioning from different stages, phases and cycles of sleep. A detailed analysis of the accumulated data gives ground to recommend in principle the use of "mechanismic" analysis of the mental activity of sleep in view of the admissibility of the transfer of functional interpretation-substantiated for a number of physiological phenomena in waking - to similar phenomena in sleep.


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