115. The Apparatuses of Afferent Synthesis and "End of Action Outcome" Acceptor as Physiological Correlates of the Unconscious in the Sexual Sphere. G. S. Vasilchenko
Laboratory of Sexual Pathology, Scientific Research Institute of Psychiatry, RSFR Ministry of Health
Manifestations of sexuality - ensuring the supraindividual interests of propagation and continuation of the species - are closely linked with corresponding innervatory constellations as a whole, even in very partial responses. Another distinctive feature of human sexual phenomenology is that its manifestations are ranged at the junction of voluntary and involuntary innervations, of which in the norm only the middle level is consciously perceived; on the opposite poles there occur elementary and complex acts which may be regulated without the direct participation of consciousness; however, these acts are invariably linked, to a certain extent, with the individual's ontogenetic experience. Set, as conceived by D. N. Uznadze and his school, forms the psychological correlate of this link, whereas the apparatuses of afferent synthesis and the acceptor of "the end of action outcome" constitute its physiological equivalents. In critical phases of individual development excessive focussing of attention on these, normally 'unnoticed', elements of sexual activity lead to the development of sexual disorders of the debutant period. Excessive intellectuality as an individual feature of personality structure, as well as dificient endocrine provision are factors contributing to the disorders just referred to.
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