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130. On two Functions of the Unconscious in the Composer's Creative Process. M. G. Aranovsky

The Leningrad State Institute o? Theatre, Music and Cinematography


The mentation attending the composer's creative activity, occurs under close interaction of consciousness and the unconscious. However, due to the utterly latent nature of the composer's creative process identification of the functions of intuitive thinking is connected with certain difficulties and calls for the working out of a special strategy of investigation. This strategy should be based on the combination of inductive and deductive methods. The former deals with the study of documents related to the creative process. The texts sketches, rough copies, plans etc.), furnishing the investigator with the necessary materials. The latter method, utilizing the principle of modelling, permits to form an integral picture of the creative process. The structure of musical language and the mechanism of creative activity (MCA) serve as simulation objects. Modelling of musical language helps to discover the unconscious "form of the mastery" of various grammatical and morphological models - one of the major functions of intuitive thinking - responsible for the formation of wholes of different classes from discrete elements. The modelling of the MCA allows to determine another important function of intuition, namely, its part in the shaping and realizat ion of the conception of the musical composition. The construction (on the basis of the principle of the "black box") of a model of the MCA permits to define the conception (here referred to as a heuristic model) as an independent 'mental structure, closely interacting with long-term memory and the "converting network".


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3. Прибрам К., Языки мозга, М., 1975, с. 12.

4. Ректман У. Р., Познание и мышление, М., 1968.

5. Узнадзе Д. Н., Формы поведения человека. В кн. Экспериментальные исследования по психологии установки, т. II, Тбилиси, 1963.

6. Цуккерман В. А., Музыкальные жанры и основы музыкальных форм, М., 1967.

7. Шерозия А. Е., К проблеме сознания и бессознательного психического. Опыт интерпретации и изложения общей теории, том II, Тбилиси, 1973, с. 400.

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