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71. On the Functional Significance of Different Phases of Sleep. T. N. Oniani

Institute of Physiology, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, USSR


Analysis of the dynamics of the neo- and archipaleocortical electrical activity, as well as the somatic and vegetative signs of emotional tension suggest that during the paradoxical phase of sleep occur both the development of biological needs and the imitation of their satisfaction. This, however, cannot be the principal function of the phase in question, since the change of biological needs alters but insignificantly the ratio of various phases of sleep, provided the homeostasis of the brain is not disturbed thereat. It is conjectured that the orthodox phase of sleep is triggered by the factors which are formed during wakefulness and are of anti-homeostatic nature. The work of the system of orthodox sleep is aimed at inactivating those factors. On the other hand, during orthodox sleep, too, anti-homeostatic factors are formed which, having attained a certain critical level, may activate a triggering link of wakefulness. Moreover, the formation of the anti-homeostatic factors in orthodox sleep proceeds more rapidly than the inactivation of those formed during wakefulness and causing the state of sleep. The function of the paradoxical phase is to delay the formation of anti-homeostatic factors in the orthodox phase until the critical value to activate the system of wakefulness is reached. This would provide optimal duration of the state of sleep in order to inactivate the anti-homeostatic factors formed during wakefulness.


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