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75. Dreaming as an Active Process and the Problem of the Unconscious. V. S. Rotenberg

1st Moscow Medical Institute


Analysis of published data and the results of the author's experiments suggest that during dreams the person seeks ways of reconciling unacceptable motives with the basic norms of behaviour. The possibilities of nonverbal thinking are used in the search. The state of giving up the search, which is characteristic of wakefulness and manifests itself in the repression of unacceptable motives and neurotic anxiety or depression, is compensated in dreaming. The person is aware of his dreams if the search through reconciliation is successful. An insufficiently successful search first brings about terrifying dreams, then a decrease in the reports on the contents of dreams and clinical manifestation of neurotic symptoms.

Thus, a weakening of search activity during dreaming is an important stage in the origin of neuroses.


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