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94. Some Mechanisms of Intrapsychic Adaptation and Psychosomatic Correlationsю F. B. Berezin

1st Moscow Medical Institute


Parallel investigation of mental condition (clinically and through tests) and of vegetative-humoral regulation has shown that disturbances of stable psychosomatic correlations emerging in acute anxiety, of the causes of which the individual is unaware, are removed through unconscious mechanisms of intrapsychic adaptation.

When disturbances of vegetative-humoral regulation are grave these mechanisms are switched into action with a definite consistency, providing for 290 a change from less effective mechanisms to more effective ones, from rejection and repression or fixation of anxiety to lowering the level of aspirations and conceptualization. Each of the described mechanisms is accompanied by a definite type of psychosomatic correlation.

Removal of anxiety in the process of effective therapy may lead to the elimination of the above mechanisms and to corresponding changes in psychosomatic integration.


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