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99. On the Role of Unconscious Mental Activity Within the Structure of Agnosic and Aphaziac Disorders. E. S. Bein

Institute of Neurology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


The present study shows that in various kinds of pathology of the higher cortical functions the role of unconscious mental activity is manifested in different ways. In face agnosia (with the occipiial-right-hemispheric localization of disturbances) the direct perception of the sense aspect of a human face, i.e., of its individual form of expression, which cannot be formulated and is connected with the activity of the unconscious level of perception, is disturbed. In contrast, in verbal paraphasias (disturbance of the left cortical speech areas), of which the patients are, as a rule, unaware, changes occur in the generalized structure of verbal meanings, while the meaning, affective and motivational sides of a speech utterance are preserved.

These reciprocal relations between the spheres of meaning and sense confirm the relation of the unconscious with the meaningful aspect of mental activity and are of interest to the study of the role of the unconscious in the organization of various mental processes.


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