125. The Conscious and the Unconscious in the Novel and Short Story of Today in the West. V. Ivasheva
Moscow State University, Department of Phihology
An attempt is made to show how the development of psychological studies, and particularly of the conscious and unconscious, over the past fifteen or twenty years brought about a change in the literature of the West. Whereas the 19th century prose writer appeared to be "omniscient", the author today finds various new methods of disclosing the conscious and unconscious without his own intervention. Neither is "the stream of consciousness", adopted by such writers as James Joyce and V.Woolf, so much in vogue as it used to be in the 1920s. Writers today find new ways of presenting, or rather unravelling, the inner life of the individual. Several examples of such attempts are presented in the paper, and "India Song", a drama by M. Duras (France), as well as stories by S.Hill (England), Ingeborg Bachmann (Austria) and others are analyzed.
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12. DURAS, M.. India Song, 1973.
13. GREENE, G., Collected Stories, London, 1972.
14. HILL, S., A Bit of Singing and Dancing, London, 1973.
15. WOOLF, V., Modern Fiction. Солшэп Reader, 1st Series, London, 1952, p. 190.