127. Catharsis as Consciousness: Scphoclean Oedipus vs. Freudian Oedipus. T. A. Florensxaya
Institute of Psychology, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Two theories of catharsis are discussed: the Freudian - on catharsis as awareness and disposal of repressed in pulses, and Vygotsky's conception on the reduction of negative emotions through the synthesis of opposing emotional tendencies in the structure of a work of art. The essence of catharsis is regarded as a fundamental reconstruction of personality that has become aware of its universal nature and of the incompatibility of its former egocentric attitude toward it. Catharsis is based on the synthesis of the j о у of the awareness of one's genuine self and the suffering of repentance. This type of catharsis is represented in the fate of Oedipus.
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