129. On the Psychological Antecedents of Functionality in Music. A. P. Milka
Leningrad State Conservatoire Named after N. A. Rimski-Korsakov
The author of the present paper believes that substantiation of a number of propositions on the psychological manifestations of functionality in music is in line with one of the tendencies of modern musicology, namely: to include the activity of the listener's perception in the theory of music [5; 6]. In this respect musicology is considerably influenced by the work and experimental methods developed by the D. N. Uznadze school of psychology, within the framework of which at present a general theory of consciousness and the unconscious mind functions [7]. The interpretation of mode perception by recourse to the categories of the psychology of set [3] is a clear indication of this.
A further development of this tendency in present-day musicology will make possible the inclusion of the creative process - of both the listener and the composer - in the general theory of human activity, in conjunction with the relevant general theory of consciousness and the unconscious mind [7].
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