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132. On the Specific Manifestation of National Character in Stravinsky's Musical Creation in the Light of the General Theory of Consciousness and the Unconscious Mind. L. I. Dolidze

All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Art Study, Ministry of Culture of the USSR, Moscow


In the twentieth-century music works are often found which at first sight appear to be nationally neutral. However, notwithstanding the composer's conscious striving for the contrary, nationality finds reflection in such pieces as an objective law of the psychology of musical creation. With a view to gaining insight into the complex mechanism of subconscious reflection of national character in musical composition the author has applied the methods of study used in related disciplines, in particular, the psychology of musical creation,the recent Soviet general theory of consciousness and the unconscious n ind, developed by Professor A. E. Sherozia, and modern American studies of national character in social psychology and cultural anthropology.

In the present paper subconscious reflection of the con poser's national character in the psychology of musical creation is studied on the example of I. F. Stravinsky's "Symphony of Psalms", one of the central works of his "neoclassical period". The investigation has had to deal with the composer's highly sophisticated psychological conditions hindering the manifestation of nationality. This approach paves the way for in-depth study of the complex conflicts and interactions of consciousness and the unconscious mind in Stravinsky's creative personality. The suggested method of analysis may serve as a model in the study of latent, in-depth relations with national culture in the musical creation of mаnу outstanding composers of the twentieth century.


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