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113. The Attitude то one's Illness as a Condition for the Emergence of Conscious and Unconscious Motives of Activity. В. V. Zeigarnik, S. V. Bakanova, V. V. Nikolaeba, O. S. Sheftelevich

Moscow State University, Department of Psychology


An attempt is made to show how the patient's attitude to his/her illness may become the condition for the organization of his/her needs of hierarchy and motives. Being based on the main concepts of Leontyev's theory of activity, the authors discuss the process of the formation of the person's image of his/her disease and hypochondriac development in hypertension and heart disease. Four stages are identified in the development of a hypochondriac attitude toward one's illness: a) appearance of painful sensations; b) appearance of "rational knowledge" of the illness; c) development of emotional imagination activity; d) appearance of an affect in response to the threatening situation formed in the imagination.

It is emphasized that in the course of the development of a hypochon driac attitude to illness the quality of the emotional process in the structure of the image of one's illness changes. Some elements of this structure, narrowing in the course of interiorization, are changed into an anticipatory component of the affect. It is from this point that the process of a drastic reorganization of personality sets in, of which the subject has no awareness at the beginning. The process of the shaping of a new, leading activity in patients with an hypochondriac attitude to their illness is examined on the basis of clinical histories.


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