120. Concerning the Psychological Need for Art. N. I. Jinjikhashvili
Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
Psychological sets to the existence of art are traditionally termed need for catharsis. Describing the need for catharsis as an essential spiritual need, the author perceives it as a reciprocal balancing of consciousness and being, which, as a rule, assumes two forms: passive (hallucinatory) and active (breakthrough from hallucination to reality). The need for catharsis should imply an active form of the reciprocal balancing of consciousness and being. At the same time study of art as an invariant system of mental processes permits the assumption that the need in question is most adequately satisfied in the artistic sphere. Art is a way of hallucinatory "mastering of feelings" that enables to retain in consciousness the real image of the object of balancing, that is to reflect, cognize and judge the reality, and offer an image of its "needful future", thus stimulating an active attitude to life.
At the same time the author points out the illusiveness of this balancing; art, as a matter of fact, can for this reason be regarded as a realization of the mind's need fоr free activity, not burdened with utilitarian interests, serving as an important means of neutralizing emotional and 'volitional' deficit. The presence of this deficit is inevitable, being only partly connected with the development of the social conditions of life. "Insufficiency" of reality - in both historical and personal sense - is constant, due to the dialectical nature of life.
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