98. Concerning Central Interhemispheric Asymmetry in the Problem of the Unconscious as Illustrated by Clinical Models of Functional-Organic Syndromes. A. M. Vein, U. B. Rodshtat, A. D. Solovyeva
1st Moscow Medical Institute, Departms.it o! tie Pathology of the Vegetative Nervous System
Experimental data are presented on the changes of familiar patterns of interhemispheric asymmetry in patients with neuroses and on their reflection in the probability prognosis and emotionality. Attainment by patients of optimal performance under conditions of an unpredictable situation proved possible only under reduced dominance of the left hemisphere. These patients also show a tendency to the development of depressive emotional disorders. A comparative study of organic cerebral syndromes (temporal epilepsy, hemiparkinsonism) enables the authors to assume, by analogy, a revival of a number of right hemisphere mechanisms at the occurrence of clinical phenomena of the unconscious.
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