102. The Unconscious and Clinical Psychotherapy: The Problem Posed. V. Ye. Rozhnov. M. Ye. Burno
Central Advanced Training Institute for Doctors (Order of Lenin), Department of Psychotherapy, Moscow
An attempt has been made at a clinical study of the unconscious sides of psychological defence. Some forms of psychological defence closely connected with various psychophysical constitutions (both pathological and normal) and representing deep defence stereotypes are described: 1) depersonalization defence, typical of psychasthenics and other patients, as well as of healthy people with a certain inclination towards introspection; 2) a defensive narrowing of consciousness (up to somnambulism), characteristic of infantile persons; 3) a defensive-unconscious striving "to dissolve" one's mental tension in expressive movements, which is particularly typical of sanguine persons; 4) dysphoric defence; 5) asthenic defence (irritational weakness); 6) autistic defence. Medical, including psychotherapeutic, intervention should be coordinated with the person's self-defence, assisting it. Case histories are cited.
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